It was just another Friday night for me. I work as an auto mechanic, and like most guys after a long day, we hit the bar. Most of the men were married and started to stagger back home pretty early, leaving just me and a few of my buds that were single. We nursed a few more beers, but I was avoiding going home since I knew my roommate would bring back his date. The bartender was a cute little thing, college-aged with a few freckles across her nose. And those eyes - ugh, they were something to die for. I had already collected the empties from my table and made my way to her to get a last round. I smiled at her as I tossed a twenty onto the counter. I used the counter to pop the lid off of my drink as I stared at her. That smile returned as another customer came up to close their tab. The strap of her too-thin tank Ficken Bis Sie Spritzt On Tumplr had slipped just enough to show the small tattoo on her shoulder blade— one that looked familiar to me. I fixed my face and cleared my throat, nursing my beer to hide my reaction. The last time I saw her she was just a fresh teen with braces, always wearing hoodies. This was a woman in front of me, but she still held onto that familiarity that made my heart skip a beat. She laughed, and I swear it lit up the room. She pocketed both, but as soon as he was out the door, she tossed the napkin out. It had to be a good ten years. It was my senior year of high school, and she was just in middle school? Her breasts were more than a handful each, and Ficken Bis Sie Spritzt On Tumplr wondered if they were real. Her hair was more red than brown now, the baby fat gone from her face, and she had that smoky eye look going that framed her blue-grey eyes. My interest sparked just thinking about what I could do. She cleaned and closed tabs as the room emptied. She waved out the other barback as we caught up, closing out the drawers, emptying the trash, and tending to general bar duties. When the last of the patrons left, it was just the two of us. I decided to go out on a limb and ask for her number, unsure about how weird it would be since I had dated her sister. Immediately after, she texted herself from my phone, indicating that she was interested. Time to turn on the charm. She removed her apron, collected her tips in a jar before returning. As she walked back around, I noticed her curves accentuated by her chest bouncing slightly with each step. All I could think about was how amazing she would look riding me. My heart hammered in my chest as I fell into step beside her, not wanting to miss another beat of conversation. We walked together silently for a moment as she unlocked her car door, and then turned to face me once more. In the dim lighting of the parking lot, I saw her cheeks flush slightly under his gaze; her body language changing from confident to vulnerable. Something inside me stirred at this newfound vulnerability in her demeanor. I couldn't help but smirk at that statement - like she wasn't attractive now? It was hard not to imagine all those curves underneath those tight jeans, and that coy smile on my face felt foreign to me. Look at you. I couldn't resist reaching out and tracing her jawline with my finger, causing her to shiver slightly. Her eyes never left mine, full of desire and a hint of mischief. Without hesitation, I leaned in and captured her lips with mine. It was like fireworks exploding in the night sky - passionate, intense, and electric. She responded eagerly, wrapping her arms around my neck as I pulled her closer to me. We stumbled towards my car, our kisses becoming more frantic and urgent with each step.
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