Songkick beitreten um Cigarettes After Sex zu folgen und Benachrichtigungen über Konzerte Cigarettes After Sex Konzert Schweiz deiner Nähe zu erhalten. Werde vor anderen informiert, wenn sie in der Nähe von Dnieper River, Ukraine auf Tour gehen. Alle kommenden Konzerte anzeigen The ticket was 20 euros, there was no band playing before them and they played exactly for one hour. The program literally said:. Then we were asked to leave the room and they closed the Cigarettes After Sex Konzert Schweiz. Now, don't get me wrong, that one hour was really nice. Although they only have one album and several EPs, they didn't play all of the songs from the album but most of them lucky for me, all the ones I really like. This review is more for the organizers, I think. This was a great chance to create something nice, giving the chance to a local band to play but well. It was really short. Mehr erfahren. Als unangemessenen melden. Terrible show, but not because of the band but because the crowd. I don't understand why people pay money to see a show by a quiet, mellow band no less and then just talk through the whole thing like it's some sort of social hour. And it was like that in every part of the venue I went; the mezzanine, the floor, close to the stage, everywhere it was Talk Loudly With Your Friends time. The band was great, but when it's being drowned out by obnoxious people there's not much one can do. Terrible experience, my friends got me tickets to go watch Cigarettes After Sex as my birthday present and we had been looking forward to going for a long time. We showed up at the venue at when the doors were meant to open and there was a man that worked there that told us the concert had been moved to Wednesday. We were upset however went home and got excited to go back on Wednesday. SKIP OVER TO THE NEXT DAY and a friend came up to us and said that the concert was great but they did not see us there, and we later found out that they had overbooked tickets and the place was packed so all our money went to waste. Truly disappointing lack of management, and we had to suffer for it. The show was great but the wait was too long. They only started playing 2 Cigarettes After Sex Konzert Schweiz after doors opening so many people including me stood for a very long time. Same thing happened last time I saw them live. Feel like they should get an opening band or reduce the waiting time to an hour max. Again the songs were great and they bring with them a feeling of nostalgia that is distinct to Cigarettes After Sex. The band did a fantastic job. No complains about the performance, just the wait time. One of the most boring shows I have ever attended. They had no opener, which I was actually relieved about until we spent all of that time just waiting anyway. Doors opened at 7 and they didn't begin until 9. They sounded great though, just like their recordings. But they had little visuals and played for just a little over an hour, including an encore. I've never been to such a short concert, even from artists with smaller discographies. My girlfriend and I were both surprised at how early they finished the show.
What a great show! Ein Mix aus verträumten Gitarren, anschwellenden Synthies und dem intimen, sehnsüchtigen Gesang von Greg Gonzalez. They were great but I just wasn't that big of a fan of the "movie" thirty minutes of sea on loop with some piano in the background and fake deep quotes appearing and the show could've been a bit longer. The Strokes 1 Konzerte. My girlfriend and I were both surprised at how early they finished the show. May 24, Tyler, The Creator in Dublin 2.
am Rockin' on Sonic 2025
Damit kehrt die Band mit den träumerischen Klängen am Montag, 4. Bei alltickets sind Cigarettes After Sex Konzert Tickets für die aktuelle X's World Tour erhältlich und können ab sofort im Webshop bestellt werden. Dezember in die Schweiz zurück und spielt ein exklusives Konzert im Plaza. Cigarettes After Sex Cigarettes After Sex: X's World Tour Cigarettes After Sex · Fr. Jan Indonesia | Jakarta. Wir. Konzerttipps · Konzerte in Zürich · Konzerte in Bern · Konzerte in der nächsten Woche · Konzerte im Januar · Konzerte in der Schweiz · Konzerte Konzerte Schweiz & Österreich }.So 21 Sep Sant Jordi Club Barcelona, Spain. Ab 18 Jahren Unter 18 Jahren in Begleitung eines Erwachsenen Unter 16 Jahren in Begleitung eines Elternteils. Di 30 Mai Jan 11 Di 15 Apr Le Trianon Paris, France. Ein Mix aus verträumten Gitarren, anschwellenden Synthies und dem intimen, sehnsüchtigen Gesang von Greg Gonzalez. Unter anderem kommen sie auf ihrer Welttournee am Samstag, 9. Buchen Sie hier Ihre Unterkunft für das Konzert. They were great but I just wasn't that big of a fan of the "movie" thirty minutes of sea on loop with some piano in the background and fake deep quotes appearing and the show could've been a bit longer. Sa 22 Jul Etwas nicht mehr aktuell? Sa Carnival Youth. Sa 18 Mär Weitere Konzerte in deiner Nähe anzeigen. Startseite Über uns Hol dir die App Blog Stellenangebote Support Charts Festivals News. Di 26 Jul So 08 Okt May 24, Tyler, The Creator in Dublin 2. Starting 1. Item 1 of 9. Sa 18 Aug Alle Konzerte ansehen Dnieper River, Ukraine Standort ändern 1,, Fans erhalten Konzertbenachrichtigungen für diesen Künstler. Verwandte Ereignisse. Genre Dream-Pop. Only show in Switzerland. Kinder unter 6 Jahren haben keinen Zutritt. The Cigarettes After Sex. The band did a fantastic job. Dubai, United Arab Emirates Coca-Cola Arena. Aug Mo 22 Sep Movistar Arena Madrid, Spain.